Running the Edinburgh Marathon for Guide Dogs Scotland

On 28th May 2017, my Father-in-Law Ian Thomson, will be running the Edinburgh Marathon to raise funds for Guide Dogs Scotland. At 53 years old, he is making a tremendous effort to raise awareness and much-needed money for this extremely worthwhile cause.

Listening to Ian talk about Guide Dogs has been a real eye opener. Did you know that it costs around £50,000 EACH to train and provide for a guide dog for it's working life?

Ian tells the story of a man who lost his eyesight in his early 40's. His world was completely turned upside down - losing his job (he was a driver),) his confidence... and nearly his life - as he contemplated suicide. For nearly five years he struggled to make sense of his sight deprived world. I cannot even begin to imagine how awful that must have been.

Guide Dog Puppy
Guide Dog Puppy

After some advice from a close friend, the man approached Guide Dogs Scotland... and before long became the owner of new pair of eyes! A gorgeous labrador. For the first time in over five years he was able to leave the house without the help of his wife or family. He could enjoy the outdoors again. This wonderful animal had helped him re-engage with the community, bringing back feelings of self-respect and confidence. He also gained a loyal companion who would be at his side whenever he needed him. Truly life changing. These amazing animals give so much to their owners.

I've met a lot of blind walkers during my travels and I am always in awe of their determination and courage. I don't know how I could cope without my eyesight - but if it did happen, I would want a guide dog!

I'll be there to support Ian in Edinburgh - as a 'walker' of course. I will be watching and cheering from the sidelines 🙂 as I long ago gave up any aspirations of running - preferring to take life at a more leisurely pace.

If you would like to learn more about Ian or help support his fund raising efforts:

Stephen W

*** UPDATE 17th Aug 2017 ***
Ian did fantastic at the marathon and managed to complete the full run. It was a roasting hot day with many runners failing to cross the line due to exhaustion and de-hydration. We are super proud of Ian and the amazing work he does for the Guide Dog charity.

Next year Ian? 😉


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