Fresh Air Fortnight

A strange sense of smug satisfaction comes over me as a bus passes by. Depressed faces stare out through steamy windows as I pound the pavement enjoying the fresh air. Thing is, I choose to get off the bus a few stops early on my way to work - just so I can enjoy some 'fresh air' before I enter my air conditioned sterile work space. Many people wouldn't dream of doing that. Seems we are always in a rush to get to work... but if we choose to catch an earlier bus, we could get off a few stops before and walk part of the way. If you drive to work, you could still leave earlier, park the car and go for walk.

It's ironic that we look forward to taking 2 weeks off every summer to go abroad to grab some fresh air when we are normally completely surrounded by it - or at least within 20 minutes of it (depending on where you live).

In reality, most of us come home from work, eat our dinner and park our asses on the couch to watch box set after box set. We have so much spare time, we don't know what to do with it - so we fill it with reality tv and mind numbing quiz shows. The real reality is just outside your front door and all it requires is a decent pair of shoes, suitable clothing and the ability to put one foot in front of the other. Yet we prefer to sit about looking for excuses to not go outside - it's too cold / wet / snowing / windy etc.... It's these things that ATTRACT me to the great outdoors 🙂

Unless you are physically or medically unable to walk, there really is no excuse. Just get out there and enjoy this amazing world we live in. Walking is good for you in so many ways: health, mind, spiritual, social - and it's cheaper than a monthly subscription to a TV package!

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