About Me

My name is Stephen and I was lucky enough to be born within easy travelling distance of some of the finest scenery & wilderness in the world – Scotland. My obsession with exploring Scotland started the moment I stopped crawling and found out how to put one foot in-front of the other. Once I got up and going, nothing was going to stop me 🙂

When I was 14 my mum gave me my introduction to the great outdoors with a trip to the coastal town of Oban. As soon as we got off the train, I was hooked. The first thing to hit me was the freshness of the air. It was crisp, clean and addictive. The views around Oban were stunning. Since then I have taken advantage of every spare moment I have to get my boots on and head outdoors.

I decided to create this website as a place to share my adventures, travels and obseverations. I usually walk alone, but have been joined lately by my wife and my ‘middle’ Son. The first time he saw Glen Coe I knew he was going to love the outdoors just as much as me.

Lately we have become more involved with local voluntary groups who give their own time to clean up areas that we all enjoy. It’s a great way to give something back to the places we love, meet like minded people and get the kids out into the fresh air. There are new groups popping up everywhere… have a search in Facebook or Google for one near you and get cleaning.

I welcome your comments, thoughts and opinions on any of my posts and hope you will enjoy my website!

Many thanks
